Thursday, 18 October 2012

Electronic Book

Electronic Book

An autobiography of one South African's experiences growing up in Apartheid riddled South Africa. Between 1948 and 1994 South Africa was abhorred by the world because of it's dreadful separate development policies. Life however had to go on for South Africa's multi cultured citizens. Here is one man's account of those draconian days.A series of short memoirs starting from my very early school years,(G.P.S.) through secondary education, (Delinquents), through university studies in London, England,(3, Wetherby), through my many, intimate, precious and not so precious friendships, through my life and occupation in Cairo, Egypt, through my many professional difficulties and the "Vortex" of my final business failure and lastly...

Electronic Book

Electronic Book

Electronic Book

Electronic Book

Electronic Book

Electronic Book

Electronic Book

Electronic Book

Electronic Book