Monday, 22 October 2012

Literati Ereader Manual

Literati Ereader Manual

I posted this on a Literati thread but thought having the price in the subject line might get the attention of anyone interested in a cheap reader for library books.  I was at Bed Bath & Beyond yesterday and they had these on the shelf, for $40 I figured why not (original price was $149 at BB&B).  I'd seen them on sale online but figured I'd check the local store.  As soon as I got the wifi connected it told me it needed an update (it's actually a two-part update).  Overall I'm kinda liking this little thing so far - the package includes a cover, a wall charger and the USB cable.  It is a color LCD screen, you can control the brightness of the screen -  can change to a "night" mode (white print on black background), and when the brightness is turned all the way down the white background looks almost gray.  The screen is longer and narrower than Kindle or nook, which is a bit different.  Two fonts (serif & sans serif), 5 font sizes.  It only reads ePubs & PDFs.  I read in bed last night while DH was trying to get to sleep - in night mode with the brightness turned all the way down, it was nicely readable without putting out much light at all.  And the page turn "buttons" are actually capacitive, so you just touch them, no pushing, no clicking at all.  A bit of a problem when reading in the dark because you can't see where the arrows are!  But I've read that some put either a reinforcing paper ring there so you can feel where to touch.  

Literati Ereader Manual

Literati Ereader Manual

Literati Ereader Manual

Literati Ereader Manual

Literati Ereader Manual

Literati Ereader Manual

Literati Ereader Manual

Literati Ereader Manual

Literati Ereader Manual

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