Saturday 6 October 2012

Learn Spanish

Learn Spanish

 I love language, and I love being able to share it via this wonderful tool: the internet. I'm truly delighted to have the opportunity to share my knowledge of and love for the Spanish language with you. My husband speaks fluent Mexican Spanish which he learned by working with Mexicans, while I speak school-taught Castilian, so between the two of us we have a pretty good range of Spanish.
I've Guided the Learn French at About site since 1999, and I also run The Veggie Table (vegetarian recipes and ideology) as well as an English language site. I also do some freelance work as a translator (Spanish -» English and French -» English), proofreader, and webmaster.

Learn Spanish

 Learn Spanish

 Learn Spanish

 Learn Spanish

 Learn Spanish

 Learn Spanish

 Learn Spanish

 Learn Spanish

Learn Spanish


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