Friday 12 October 2012

Spanish Language

Spanish Language

No name is more associated with Spanish literature — and perhaps with classic literature in general — than that of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. He was the author of El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha, which is sometimes referred to as the first European novel and which has been translated into nearly every major language, making it one of the most widely distributed books after the Bible.
Although few people in the English-speaking world have read Don Quijote in its original Spanish, it nevertheless has had its impact on the English language, giving us expressions such as "the pot calling the kettle black," "tilting at windmills," "a wild-goose chase" and "the sky's the limit." Also, our word "quixotic" comes from the name of the title character. (Quijote is often spelled asQuixote.)

Spanish Language

Spanish Language

Spanish Language

Spanish Language

Spanish Language

Spanish Language

Spanish Language

Spanish Language

Spanish Language

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